Pro slavery refers to the advocacy or support for the institution of slavery, where individuals believe in owning and exploiting other people as property. Anti slavery, on the other hand, opposes the practice of slavery and advocates for the abolition of slavery, promoting equality and freedom for all individuals.
One argument used to justify slavery was the belief in white superiority and the idea that people of African descent were inherently inferior and needed to be controlled by white people for their own good. This was often used to rationalize the exploitation and dehumanization of enslaved individuals.
People in the South justified the continuation of slavery by arguing that it was essential for their economy and way of life, that slaves were racially inferior and needed guidance, and that slavery was sanctioned in the Bible. This belief in the superiority of white people and the economic benefits of slavery led many in the South to defend its continuation.
No, enslaving any race of people is immoral and goes against basic human rights and dignity. Historically, slavery has caused great harm and suffering, and it is important to work towards equality and freedom for all individuals.
An abolitionist is someone who actively works to end slavery, while a pro-slavery person supports and advocates for the continuation of slavery. Abolitionists believe in the equal rights and freedom of all individuals, while pro-slavery individuals believe in the right to own and exploit others as property.
Not all white people agreed with slavery and some people liked the ideas of no more slavery and felt like he would end it
Not now as slavery is universally outlawed. However, in the past when slavery was almost universally acceptable, people of all colors were slaves and people of all colors were masters.
because i said that i didnt want slavery but all of the white people wanted it -__- SMFH.
Pro slavery refers to the advocacy or support for the institution of slavery, where individuals believe in owning and exploiting other people as property. Anti slavery, on the other hand, opposes the practice of slavery and advocates for the abolition of slavery, promoting equality and freedom for all individuals.
that everyone was free and PEACE all around ;D
Northern View Of Slavery- A vocal minority of northerners were abolitionists or people who wanted to end slavery. They believed that slavery was morally wrongs. Abolitionists favored a gradual end while others demanded that all slavery was outlawed at once. Not all northerners wanted to end slavery Southern Views Of Slavery Many southerns belied that god intend that black people should provide the labor for white "civilized" society
One argument used to justify slavery was the belief in white superiority and the idea that people of African descent were inherently inferior and needed to be controlled by white people for their own good. This was often used to rationalize the exploitation and dehumanization of enslaved individuals.
Slave owners did not believe that slavery was a necessary commodity towards securing their liberty. They believed that slavery was a necessary commodity towards their prosperity. When the anti-slavery movement had grown big enough to threaten those States who sanctioned slavery with Amendment prohibiting that slavery, slave owners began to cry states rights. If these Southern "gentlemen" were so concerned about States rights they would have better convinced a dubious populace of this by freeing the slaves they held before going to war, civil war, with those who sought to bring freedom to all people. States rights is a very valid issue and concern under the federal government devised by the Constitution and it is shameful this right was asserted to justify slavery.
They were fighting because the north didn't believe in slavery and the south did. So the south got angry because the north was trying to banned slavery from all of the states. That is why we had the Civil War.
People in the South justified the continuation of slavery by arguing that it was essential for their economy and way of life, that slaves were racially inferior and needed guidance, and that slavery was sanctioned in the Bible. This belief in the superiority of white people and the economic benefits of slavery led many in the South to defend its continuation.
=They dont see any color all they see is black and white i believe.=
There, no such thing as white people, gentile and all corcasions are not gentile,s .the north and south divided over issues like who should be running the predentcey . The had jefferson davis the north aberham lin