Some did, its kind of like Stockholm syndrome and being scared of something new.
Slaves did not want to stay slaves; rather, they were forced into slavery against their will. The system of slavery was built on the exploitation and dehumanization of individuals, denying them their basic human rights and freedoms. Many slaves sought freedom through escape, rebellion, or other forms of resistance.
The slaves who could farm would already know how to care for the crops.
Levi Coffin wanted to free slaves because he believed in the immorality of slavery and wanted to help those seeking freedom. He was dedicated to the abolitionist cause and worked actively to assist escaping slaves on the Underground Railroad.
Slaves generally did not view slavery positively; they experienced it as a brutal and dehumanizing system that deprived them of their freedom and basic human rights. Many slaves longed for freedom and revolted against their enslavement whenever possible. Ultimately, slavery was a form of exploitation that oppressed and marginalized the enslaved individuals.
Portuguese and Europeans wanted slaves to work in their colonies, primarily in the Americas, because they needed labor for crops like sugar, tobacco, and cotton. Slaves were seen as a cheap and plentiful source of labor that could be exploited for economic gain. Additionally, the transatlantic slave trade became a profitable industry for European slave traders.
Slave owners wanted to keep their slaves ignorant of life outside the plantation to maintain control and prevent unrest. By limiting their access to education and information, slave owners could ensure that slaves remained compliant and focused solely on their assigned work, reducing the risk of rebellion or escape. Furthermore, education was seen as a threat to the institution of slavery as it could empower slaves to question their oppression and seek freedom.
They wanted their slaves to stay and work, but they still didnt want to pay them anything.
They would stay a day or two but not long since they were on the run and didn't want to be caught by the police or slave catchers!
usually if they were feed good food and didn't want to find family members.
They wanted to have freedom.
Them asters didn't want their slaves to have a gun. If they did then you know what they would do. They would go after their masters. That's why!
Many former slaves moved west in the 1800s. Northerner's feared freed slaves would take their jobs. They did not want to stay in the hostile South.
in the barn House
the slaves made them rich
Slaves are only allowed to do what their owners allow them to do.
they know they might be caught and will be punished.
Because they didnt want to tell the serfs that they were slaves and would want to promise them freedom in a way that is really hard to active because they knew that they couldnt do it
Yes, the Confederates were fighting to keep their slaves.