Slavery became illegal to all americans in 1888.Slave ships technically aren't illegal even today.
No. She is still alive and lives in New Orleans.
7 to 8 weeks
The Slave Trade started in the 17th century, it happened when 2 ships went from Europe to Africa.
Thomas Phillips was one of them. John Newton was another.
Badly. It is quite sad really. They were held captive, and they were treated cruelly.
slavete for girl slaves and slave for boys
trying to figure it out.
the slave ships were wooden and they smellt horrible and the ships are really dirty.
The slave trade was extremely lucrative. There were several successful captains.
because thats was a sign about whwn theyre sad and it was a good way to know that their still alive
Abraham Lincoln
In the days of slave ships the conditions for the crew were not much better than those for the captives. There was little time for 'entertainment' - you worked, and you slept, and then you worked again.... leisure time was a thing yet to be invented. Some of the crew might have a squeezebox or tin whistle and play music, but these had to be small as there was little or no spare space on board for such things.
There were at least 130 sea men on slave ships.
Not exactly sure... After they are captured though, they are called Helots (slave)
They usually bought them from other Africans.