They wanted to be house servants because they got to have any of the food that was leftover and it was way better than the food they got when they were working in the fields.
Many slaves sought to be house servants because they hoped for better living conditions, lighter work, and potentially more opportunities for social mobility or advantages compared to working in the fields. Additionally, house servants often had closer contact with their slave owners, and some believed this could lead to preferential treatment or favor.
The majority of indentured servants were in the northern colonies, such as New York and Pennsylvania, while the southern colonies, like Virginia and South Carolina, had more slaves due to their reliance on plantation agriculture. Of these, Virginia had the most indentured servants, while South Carolina had relatively fewer slaves compared to other southern colonies.
Plantation owners preferred using slaves over indentured servants because slaves were perceived as a lifetime investment, as they were considered property that could be bought and sold. Slaves were also viewed as a more long-term and reliable labor force, as they had fewer legal rights and were enslaved for life, unlike indentured servants who would be freed after a set period of time. Slaves were also often seen as easier to control and exploit due to their lack of legal protections.
Most slaves in the United States lived on small to medium-sized plantations rather than large plantations. Small plantations were more common and typically held fewer than 50 slaves, while large plantations with hundreds of slaves were less common.
Slaves do not increase personal support. In fact, the use of slaves contributes to the exploitation and abuse of individuals and goes against principles of equality and human rights. It is unethical and illegal to own slaves in most societies.
During the transatlantic slave trade, most slaves were taken from Africa and transported to work on plantations in the Americas, particularly in regions like the Caribbean and the southern United States. Slaves were forced to work in various industries such as sugar, cotton, and tobacco production.
Afterward, Virginia landowners used more slaves and fewer servants.
The majority of indentured servants were in the northern colonies, such as New York and Pennsylvania, while the southern colonies, like Virginia and South Carolina, had more slaves due to their reliance on plantation agriculture. Of these, Virginia had the most indentured servants, while South Carolina had relatively fewer slaves compared to other southern colonies.
Most slaves lived on plantations with 20 or more other slaves, or in the case of a small slave owner, had links with slaves nearby. Slave owners were supposed to house, feed, and clothe their slaves from infancy till death. Most slaves worked in the fields, though some of the women were used as house servants, wet nurses, or 'babysitters,' and the men as coachmen.
Farmers,slaves,and servants was the most common occupation in the Old Kingdom.
some slaves fought because they wanted to but some were forced to fight!
From what I know of this, I have read in Annette Gordon-Reed's recent book "The Hemingses of Monticello". As Jefferson was near death, he only wanted his "servants" or slaves near him. This most likely was his longtime butler Burwell Colbert as well as other house servants. Most probably Sally Hemings. From what I have read, Jefferson possibly died of dysentary-- and, his servants would handle the messy details. (a little bit of surmising on my part) Of course, his family came in as his death happened. His daughter Martha even clipped locks of his hair.
maids cooks babysitters farmers blacksmith
Most worked as servants in the houses of rich people. Life for a slave wasn't as bad in Egypt as you would think, they were allowed to marry other slaves or even non-slaves! There are records of people freeing slaves and making them their heirs, marrying their children to them or just freeing them to have them as servants instead. There weren't actually many slaves in Egypt. People tend to have ideas about huge numbers of slaves doing heavy work, but the pulling of stones was actually done by cattle. Slaves would have eaten what the servants ate and they were treated similarly.
House slaves looked after the owners house and family on Southern plantations. House slaves were selected from the most well-behaved of the field slaves. House slaves cooked the meals, cleaned the house, did the laundry, and looked after the children.
Southern States wanted to include slaves as part of their population for the purpose of determing representation in the house
depends. Plantation owners had slaves ranging from 20 to 100s. home owners had slaves as servants ranging from 1 to 3. the armies too had slaves. the number of slaves owned depended on the needs of the owners.