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The planter group (those who held 20 or more slaves) made up under 4% of the adult white men in the south, held more than 1/2 of the slaves and produced most of the cotton and tobacco and all of the sugar and rice, thus most slaves lived on large plantations.

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Q: Did most slaves live on big or small plantations?
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Where did most slaves live?

southern plantations

Where on the plantations did slaves live?

They had cabins, in which they lived. not cabins, sheds. Sheds that never kept the wind out, they were always cold at night. Most slaveowners had comfortable, although small, cabins for their slaves, complete with fireplaces. They are to be seen in many restored plantations in the South, like Chincquapenn, here in North Carolina.

Why did the southern colonies had the most slaves?

They have the most plantations

What did most rich southern planter do with their wealth?

C.They put it back into their plantations and bought slaves.

What was the most slavery in the south?

slaves worked on plantations

What describes most slavery in the south?

slaves worked on plantations

What group of people were doing the most work on the southern plantations?


In the south were most slaves forced to work on large plantations?


What was life in general like for those enslaved in the American South in the nineteenth century where and how did they live and work?

Most slaves lived on plantations with 20 or more other slaves, or in the case of a small slave owner, had links with slaves nearby. Slave owners were supposed to house, feed, and clothe their slaves from infancy till death. Most slaves worked in the fields, though some of the women were used as house servants, wet nurses, or 'babysitters,' and the men as coachmen.

What did most rich southern planters do with wealth?

they put it back into their plantations and bought slaves.

What did most rich southerners do with their wealth?

C.They put it back into their plantations and bought slaves.

Who looked after owners house and family on southern plantations?

House slaves looked after the owners house and family on Southern plantations. House slaves were selected from the most well-behaved of the field slaves. House slaves cooked the meals, cleaned the house, did the laundry, and looked after the children.