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i had the same problem it come up instead of the tick a little box?

well i found out that it was infact my signal if this is'nt the problem then i dont know.

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Q: Why are your messages not delivered on blackberry messenger?
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What does the d and r mean in blackberry messenger?

D in blackberry messenger means Delivered and R means Read!!

Does Blackberry messenger cost money to send messages?


Do you need credit on your phone to use blackberry messenger people?

no you don't need credit to send messages on blackberry messenger

What kind of different text messenger programs are there?

Regular text messages or SMS (short message service) messages can be sent from most mobile phones with no special program required. iPhone users can send messages to other iPhone users using iMessage. Blackberry user can send messages to other Blackberry users using BBM (Blackberry Messenger).

Is blackberry messenger free on pay as you go?

if your phone company supports the blackberry and if you signed up for blackberry service. I pay an extra charge for data/bb messenger so I can send messages to friends who's PIN I know.

Why was Hermes important to ancient Greeks?

Hermes was the messenger god so he delivered messages to the gods.

Is blackberry mail the same as blackberry messenger?

no, blackberry mail is for e-mails, blackberry messenger is instant messaging

Can you get blackberry messenger if you don't have blackberry?

unfortunately Blackberry Messenger is no available on any other phones except blackberry's.

What does BBM mean in computer messages?

BBM could refer to a Bandwidth Balancing Mechanism.

Does a blackberry bold have blackberry messenger?

The BlackBerry Bold should be able to use BlackBerry Messenger (BBM). It's for BlackBerry OS 5 or newer.

What is Blackberry Messenger?

blackberry messenger is a Instant messaging system you can do a lot more than texting alows you to do for blackberry to blackberry only.

Is there an iPhone to blackberry messenger app?

No u cant get blackberry messenger on a iphone