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The application of a tattoo requires a needle to be inserted into the skin. This needle use has the potential to spread bloodborne pathogens like HIV or hepatitis if the person giving the tattoo has not used appropriate infection control procedures.

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Q: Why are you not allowed to donate blood if you have recently had a tattoo?
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Why are you not allowed to donate blood if you recently had a tattoo?

The application of a tattoo requires a needle to be inserted into the skin. This needle use has the potential to spread bloodborne pathogens like HIV or hepatitis if the person giving the tattoo has not used appropriate infection control procedures.

Can a person having permanent tattoo in his body can denote blood to another person?

yes a tattoo in not in your blood stream it's in your skin you can donate blood

Can you give blood if you have recently had a tattoo?

No, you usually have to wait a few months. When you try to donate, they might ask you if you've had any piercings or tattoos in the past like 3 months.

How come people with AIDS are allowed to donate blood?

They aren't hiv acquired through donated blood have been human errors and not because they are allowed to donate blood.

Is it True you cannot donate blood after you get a tattoo?

Yes, you have to wait 12 months after getting tattooed to give blood.

What year were African Americans able to donate blood?

President Roosevelt WWII allowed blacks to donate.... But "jim Crowe laws only allowed the donated blood to be given to blacks... is that possible?

Can you donate blood if you have had cancer?

Because you don't want to give someone bad blood. This is the same for every disease.

If you have a tattoo and then have it removed can you donate blood again?

Yes, provided that both the tattoo and its removal have respected strict hygiene procedures. And ONLY after a preemptive check.

How long do you have to wait to donate blood if you just got a tattoo?

4 Months... Some blood donor groups recommend a year.

Can a person with tattoo donate blood?

According to the American Red Cross Blood Donor Eligibility page, there is a 12-month deferral if you received the tattoo in an unlicensed tattoo facility. But if you received the tattoo in a state-licensed tattoo facility (using sterile needles, not reusing ink), then then there is no deferral.

Can you donate blood to a child if you have a tattoo?

According to the American Red Cross Blood Donor Eligibility page, there is a 12-month deferral if you received the tattoo in an unlicensed tattoo facility. But if you received the tattoo in a state-licensed tattoo facility (using sterile needles, not reusing ink), then then there is no deferral.

Who donates blood?

Anyone who is seventeen and up can donate blood - as long as you are healthy, free of STD and other forms of blood diseases and must weigh seventy kilos. Pregnant women are not allowed to donate blood.