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No, you usually have to wait a few months. When you try to donate, they might ask you if you've had any piercings or tattoos in the past like 3 months.

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Q: Can you give blood if you have recently had a tattoo?
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If you give a tattoo should there be blood?

tattoo and blood donationYou can give blood BEFORE a tattoo but the Red Cross has a restriction on blood donation AFTER a tattoo. I am not sure if it if one year or three years. **It was a year, but they recently changed it to 6 months.But I've never heard of anything saying you can't give blood before a tattoo. Go give blood!

Why are you not permitted to give blood after a year of getting a tattoo?

The Chance of hepatitis & other diseases are more likely after a tattoo.

Why do you have to wait a year to give blood after getting a tattoo?

Because the ink from a tattoo is still in your bloodstream for up to a year after it is completed.

Is it True you cannot donate blood after you get a tattoo?

Yes, you have to wait 12 months after getting tattooed to give blood.

How long do you have to wait to give blood after getting a tattoo?

12 months

Why are you not allowed to donate blood if you recently had a tattoo?

The application of a tattoo requires a needle to be inserted into the skin. This needle use has the potential to spread bloodborne pathogens like HIV or hepatitis if the person giving the tattoo has not used appropriate infection control procedures.

Why are you not allowed to donate blood if you have recently had a tattoo?

The application of a tattoo requires a needle to be inserted into the skin. This needle use has the potential to spread bloodborne pathogens like HIV or hepatitis if the person giving the tattoo has not used appropriate infection control procedures.

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You are pregnant wanting a small tattoo and the doctor and tattoo artist assured me it would be fine but I am scared?

Your doctor is an idiot for telling you it would be fine. And your tattooist is not a doctor and is not qualified to give such advice. All doctors who actually know what they are talking about will tell you to wait until after you give birth - tattoo ink can enter the blood, blood which you are sharing with your baby.

Can you give blood after 7 months from getting a peirding?

Yes you can, i asked how long you have to wait till you give blood after getting a peircing....and they said 6-7 months:) if you got a tattoo you have to wait a year.

Can you have a tattoo if you have had radiotheraphy recently?

Getting a tattoo when you have had radiotherapy is not recommeded as there may be a chance of the spread of infection, but the best thing you can do is ask the tattoo artist beforehand.