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Piercing for so many people are a means of self expression, and a style statement. They can be fun and compliment almost any wardrobe and look. They can be very personal accessories and enhance one personal sensuality. Body Piercing are for the individual and that persons personal pleasure, style or means of expression. Not too far from a person with tattoos, each one is unique and has a story of it's own.

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Q: Why are piercings good?
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Where can you get your nose pierced at taunton somerset that is cheap?

Cheap piercings are not good, Good piercings are not cheap. Get on the phone and ask what they charge.

Do piercings cost less at tattoo parlors?

They aren't cheaper than gunned piercings but they're much better. They're more expensive because the jewelery is a higher quality and the shop is cleaner. Good piercings aren't cheap and cheap piercings aren't good!

Can you have piercings or tattoos as a radiologist tech?

you can have piercings and/or tattoos in most any job, but to be respected as a professional it is a good idea to remove your piercings and cover your tattoos while at work

Are lip piercings a good idea?

It depends whether you like them or not.

Do industrial piercings on your vagina with vibrators feel good?


Why does Stevie wonder have so many piercings?

He has a lot of piercings because he doesn't see his body as good enough. He thinks that he is making himself more attractive and worth more by getting a lot of piercings.

What could be a good Anticipate the objection for tattoos and piercings?

Wow. Grammar?

Can you have piercings in the marines?

I would check with your recruiter, but chances are really good that the answer will be no.

Which piercing would be best for someone who scars easily?

If you scar easily, you definitely do not want any piercings on your face. Significant scarring would not look good on anyone's face. One of the most common "unseen" piercings is the navel, so that might be a good one for you to get. I dont know how you feel about nipple and genital piercings, but they are always options too. Good luck!

Does chatters do good ear piercings?

When I got my done , They didn't even get them straight .

Is sea salt good for healing ear piercings?

With warm water, yeah.