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They probably just aren't healed. Some people's body take longer to heal so it's fine. Just be sure to wear steel, titanium or real gold. Not anything that'll corrode or break down in your ear.

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Q: Why are my ear piercings bleeding after i take them out ive had them in for 6 weeks its not infected so is it not completely healed?
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How do you know if your cartilage piercing is healed?

cartilage piercings usually take a year plus to completely heal. if you can leave it out for a few days with no pain putting it back in it is most likely healed.

Does belly piercings get infected with the plastic rings?

Only if it isn't finished healing. Acrylic(plastic) is very porous so it absorbs moisture and bacteria which isn't good. Just wait for at least 3-4 months or until it's completely healed.

When can you take your piercings off?

You can remove your piercings after they are healed, unless you no longer want them then you can take them out anytime.

How do you know when your piercing is healed?

It heals quite quickly but i would leave it in and not change it for about a month just to make sure that it doesnt get infected when you change the bar cus the middle of the tongue may niot be completely healed

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You need to wait until the tattoo is completely healed because of all the bacteria in a hot tube your tattoo could get infected if its not healed all the way.

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When your belly button piercing is fully healed do you still have to clean it?

Even though it is completely healed you still should clean it. You don't have to as much as when you first got it but it still can get infected and you should just clean it in the shower and do soaks every once in a while.

Can you swim In salt water after you get your ears pierced?

Yes, so long as the piercings have healed properly.

Can you still get your belly button pierced after having your appendix taken out?

Before you get anything else pierced, you should wait until your surgery has completely healed. You do not want to do anything that could get it infected.

If You have recently gotten your nose pierced and the is a strange bump on the insige of your nose were the hole is what is that is it infected?

no that's normal, when i got my nose pierced mines did that for the first few completely healed and the bump has gone :)

Why does your eyebrow piercing hurt after a week of getting it?

Well any piercing will hurt for a while because the body has a foreign object in it so at first it'll try to reject it but with piercings it takes several weeks to heal, wherein the body can not reject it so begins to heal around it, making piercings virtually painless one they've healed. (Or if it still hurts it could be infected.)

How long does it take for transdermal piercings to heal?

Depends on the placement. I would check in with your piercer periodically to determine when its healed.