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because it's a great challenge for girls especially when you got them and make them to be a good boy.

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10mo ago

Attraction to "bad boys" can sometimes be due to the thrill of danger and excitement that they bring. It can also be a result of wanting to rebel against societal norms or seek excitement outside of one's usual experiences. However, it's important to note that this is not a universal trend and individual preferences can vary greatly.

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Q: Why are good girls attracted to bad boys?
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Why are girls more mature than boys?

it depends on who you ask girls usually say yes guys usually say no im a guy and i say yes because i know guys and they aren't to bright sometimes lol i thought u asked ARE they more mature my bad

Name five stereotypes in a women?

Women are emotional and irrational. Women are bad drivers. Women are more nurturing and caring. Women are not as good at math and science. Women are less ambitious and career-focused.

Are girls more hardworking than boys?

There is no inherent difference in work ethic or industriousness between girls and boys. Individual characteristics and motivations drive personal work habits, regardless of gender. It is important to avoid generalizations and stereotypes when evaluating the work ethic of individuals.

Are girls better at gymnastics than boys?

Not always Actually, girls are better in some ways than boys. First, girls are usually more coordinated, stronger and mature than boys of the same age. The good news. The bad news: girls reach their peak between 17 and 18 and many retire from the sport, while boys are just coming into their own in terms of strength and coordination. Also, because men are stronger physically women must be more technically proficient in order to perform some of the more difficult elements. For example, because women had to swing between two bars, they were forced to become more technically efficient. The same is mostly true on floor exercise/tumbling. Men generate much more power on this event, so again women must learn to be more technique-oriented. I guess the real answer is Yes and No. My answer would be neither. Because you can't compare girls gymnastics to boys gymnastics because both perform on different apparatuses and do different skills. Boys strength excercises are hard than girls strength excercises because boys need to be stronger than girls because of the skills they perform, the strength excercises are also different and strengthen different muscles.

Are humans good or bad?

Humans have the capacity for both good and bad actions. People can demonstrate kindness, compassion, and altruism, but they also have the potential for selfishness, cruelty, and malicious behavior. Ultimately, human nature is complex and influenced by a variety of factors.

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Do bad boys like good girls?

Well. Bad boys can like good girls. Because they are oddly attracted to them wondering how do they act so GOOD? Kinda like the saying opposites atract

Do girls like good guys or bad?

It depends on the individual preferences of each person. Some people may be attracted to what they perceive as "bad boys," while others may prefer someone who is kind and considerate. Ultimately, being genuine and respectful is important in any relationship.

What do bad boys and girls get for Christmas in Sweden?

the bad boys and girls get nothing good boys and girls do.

Do boys like good girls or bad girls?

It depends on how you define good and bad.

Why do the bad boys want good girls?

Hi They want good girls because they are the perfect one's to take home to Mom! reverse the question why do us girls always want the bad boys?

What are bad boys attracted to?

Hot girls with a good bod. == It varies from boy to boy of course but most "bad boys" are not into commitment and tend to use girls for their own selfish needs. I'm not saying there are not the odd ones out there that prefer one girl but it has been known of bad boys to try and be "rebels without a clue".

Why girls like bad boys over good boys Girls reject gud lucking good boysbt accept bad boyswhy?

The reason why some girls like bad boys over good boys is because of their appeal. Sometimes girls also reject good looking guys and accept bad boys because it can be an ego trip. If a girl manages to catch the attention of a bad boy, it makes her feel good.

Ive never had a girlfriend are i gay?

the only way you now you are gay is if you are attracted to boys or if ur attracted to girls and boys your a bio witch isn't bad hope this helps.stigy

Do girls like good boys or bad boys?

It depends on the girl.

Do bad husbands often have good wives?

I believe they do. It is human nature that opposits attract. Good girls are attracted to the bad boys who turn into the bad husbands. I'm a good wife who has (soon to be HAD) a bad husband. But what contitues a bad husband? Is their a scale from 1-10? How bad is bad? Good is good there is no scale for good. But bad is another story.

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Girls have their own type in boys some want bad boys ,good boys , smart boys ugly boys , cute boys.

Do boys like scene girls?

im not sure .... i love them! i think its because they look 'bad' you know, like a lot of girls are attracted to the 'bad boy' image ... hope it helps :)