I'm not sure what you mean by this question. Typically, girls are shorter than guys, among most primate species.
Girls start puberty before boys therefore at first are taller than boys,but in the end after boys start puberty boys are generally taller.
Yes, I know girls who like guys shorter than them. not really Some do, Some Don't. I've dated a guy shorter than me, but he moved. My luck. Answer Yes. Especialy in middle school when they don't really have a choice. Most girls (or at least they should) like a guy because of who they are and then their looks (unless they're just really ugly). So being short shouldn't cause any problems with girls liking you. I am married to a man 5 centimeters shorter than me now - it does not make a difference in the bedroom :)
Guys are attracted to the legs more than likely because it is the part of the body that attaches to the butt. They are curvey and usually smooth. Girls wear shorter shorts and reveal more so guys are more accustomed to seeing legs than girls who at most see guys legs up to the knee. Not to mention they do not shave their legs.
who knows? it may just be how guys and girls were originally. or in the bible, Adam had short hair, while eve had longer hair. (:
Yes, and guys have higher motabolism than girls do.
yes girls cheat more than guys!!!
Yes girls are very important than guys. (WARNING!) BE NICE TO GIRLS! For real!
if you are a girl and you like girls more than guys. go ahead and date girls. sometimes guys even think it is hot
because guys dont have to work in the kitchen
Girls... da girls are able to do anything guys can do
Probably...its cute when the girl is shorter than the guy
girls are slags