This may sound cliche, but maybe clothes are actually a reason here. Boys tend to buy/need less, and what they need is less expensive than girl clothing. Of course this can't be applied to every boy and girl; there are definitely girls who don't buy many clothes and there are surely also boys who do (although to be honest I don't know any).
On the other hand of course boys (girls too of course) can get expensive through gadgets like computers, mobiles or video game consoles.
I think in the end it's really not possible to say in general that girls or boys are more expensive, but it depends on the individual.
their are more girls than boys
no england has more boys than girls
Boys. Girls have more hair's than Boys!
Yes there are more girls than boys in Japan.
I would say that there are more boys than girls in Scotland.
More boys stutter than girls.
undoutedly, girls spend more money than boys.
boys are not more usefull than girls they are both the same but people think boys are more usefull.
Girls talk more than boys due to a certain protein in their brain. The protein is Foxp2 and girls have more of it than boys. This protein is associated with talking.
That has more to do with upbringing and personality than with gender. Some boys are lazier than some girls, but some girls are lazier than some boys.
sometimes,because girls can concentrate than boys and sometimes boys can concentrate than girls.. yes girls could conentrate more than boys because can get discracted is easily
Regularly yes, girls tend to be bullied by other girls and other boys on the internet more than boys.