Her birthday is January 27th.
Morgan Elizabeth Donnellons birthday is on the 27th of March 1998.
Haymitchs birthday is April 27th making him a Taurus.
her birthday is on January 27th. i don't know the year. hope this helped.
there are lots of famous people with their birthday on September 24th
its the 27th September
27th September
September 27th :)
Google officially celebrates its birthday on September, 27th. It was registered on September 15 for which it applied on September 4, 1998.
scooter cunningham
27th September (today;D)
My birthday Woot Woot
Louis Pasteur
September 27th. Google, it's an amazing thing. :P
Nick Mason's birthday is in January the 27th Syd Barrett's is in January but on the 6th David Gilmour's is in march and on the 6th roger waters's is in September 6th and lastley Richard Wright's is in July on the 28th look at the birthday list bornglory.com
Redfoo from LMFAO.
Dr. Phil McGraw