there are lots of famous people with their birthday on September 24th
The exact birth dates of each character aren't all known, but Hermione Granger's birthday is in September.
Robert Curry of Day 26 is 24. His birthday is September 3, 1984
Titus Flavius Vespasianus was born on November 17, 9.
September 18th
Bella Swan was born on September 13th, 1987. Her vampire birthday (when Edward bit her) is September 10th 2008.
well legacy birthday is September 25 benj birthday is September 24
Amu Hinamori's birthday is on September 24.
September 23rd is her correct birthday
september 24
September 24 (:
Yes they do
September 25 , 1995 . <3
scooter cunningham
check out
How many famous ten year olds are there??!!
No, it's Septtember 28.