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Needle tattoos have only been around for less than 100 years. Body art/war paint has been used for thousands of years, going back to the Bantu tribes in Africa, Mayans in America.

A concrete example of ancient tattoos was found on the mummified body of a man, which is dated to be approximately 5,000 years old, in the Alps on the Austrian-Italian border having over 50 tattoos on his body. The tattoos are located at points where his body was subjected to considerable strain during his lifetime and very likely caused him a lot of pain due to wear. The tattoos were probably intended as therapeutic measures rather than as symbols. The tattoos indicate that the man had undergone pain-relieving treatments on multiple occasions.

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Q: Who was the first person to have a tattoo?
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Who was the first person to get a tattoo on their face?

The first tattoo dates to over 5000 years ago, there is no way of knowing the first person.

Where who and when was the first person to have a tattoo?

Oldest known tattoo is on "Otzi", a 5,200 year old natural mummy found in the Alps a few years ago. Ockleberry was the first person ever to get a tattoo

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Tattoo meanings will vary from person to person.-Shocker

what country is tattoo originated?

The tattoo is thought to of originated in Egypt. Joseph Banks was the first person to speak of tattoo's in his journal in the 1800's. He wrote about people marking themselves on Captain Cook's ship.

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There is no telling, every meaning to a tattoo will vary from person to person.

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Tattoo's are a symbol to each person that gets one. Tattoo's usually have personal meaning to the person. Two tattoo's can be exactly the same and have two different meanings to different people.

Who was the first person known to give a tattoo?

me best tattooist in central Ohio 614-516-7660

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No, there is no such tattoo, though any person can have a gay-themed tattoo, such as a rainbow or a pink triangle.

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You need to ask the person wearing the tattoo.