There is no telling, every meaning to a tattoo will vary from person to person.
Jester tattoos mean different things to different people, however, some of their more popular meanings include mischievousness and playfulness. They can also symbolize triumphing over a challenge.
I am someone with more then a couple, Evil and normal looking jesters. I just like them, But like the answer to the "What does a jest tattoo mean?" Tattoo's mean something different for each person who has the tattoo, Each of mine stand for different places and events throughout my life, I guess to help me remember the good and bad times.....
a pink diamond tattoo mean love.
what dose star tattoo mean on shoulders
The person with the tattoo likes raccoons?
Jester tattoos mean different things to different people, however, some of their more popular meanings include mischievousness and playfulness. They can also symbolize triumphing over a challenge.
I am someone with more then a couple, Evil and normal looking jesters. I just like them, But like the answer to the "What does a jest tattoo mean?" Tattoo's mean something different for each person who has the tattoo, Each of mine stand for different places and events throughout my life, I guess to help me remember the good and bad times.....
Jester should be spelt "gestures". It means hand movements...
A jester is a clown. Please don't name your kid clown.
jester tropa
a pink diamond tattoo mean love.
what dose star tattoo mean on shoulders
His tattoo is his vampiric name
Depends on what the tattoo is of
The tattoo is dedicated to his grandfather.
When people get a tattoo, there is often meaning and remberance attached to the tattoo. The meaning of a pegasus tattoo is that of loyalty.