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John Brown

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Q: Who used violence to try to end slavery?
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Related questions

When did Andrew Johnson try to end slavery?

yes he did try to end slavery.

When did they try to end slavery?

January, 1863 is when they tried to end slavery.

What did some people do to try to end slavery?

people who opposed slavery worked to abolish it or end it

How did john brown try to end slavery?

John Brown tried to end slavery by sacrificing himself for the life's of slaves.

What did the abolitionsts try to end before the civil war?


How did reformers try to end slavery?

Anti-slavery reformers used a variety of methods to help bring an end to slavery. First of all, Anti-slavery newspapers, books, and speaking engagements were used to educate the public about the horrors of slavery. More radical reformers established and ran the Underground Railroad, helping many slaves to escape forced servitude. Reformers also sought to bring an end to slavery via political reform, anti-slavery Whigs split from their party to form the Republican Party which held to an anti-slavery platform.

What was argument used to try to justify slavery?

All of the above

What argument was used to try to justify slavery?

All of the above

How did the Ku Klux Klan hurt African Americans?

They would try to scare them back to going in to slavery and make them go back to their old masters. They used violence and harassment to scare people. They are even around today and try to portray them selves as being scary....

What issue started the violence in the kansas tarritory?

Putting the slavery issue to a local vote. It was a magnet for terrorists from both sides to try to intimidate the voters.

What did Thomas Jefferson try to end?

Thomas Jefferson tried to end the pirate attacks on US ships. He also tried to end slavery.

What did martin Luther king do to save us?

Try to end segergation without violence ,and to have equal rights:D