The Portuguese started trading Black Africans first and the Spaniards were the first to use them in their colonies in the Americas, down the line others started to use black slaves as well such as the English Dutch and French!So basically the Portuguese and the Spaniards were the culprits.
A lot of them bought trade items to be taken to Africa, to be used in trade for slaves.
my qeustion is what is a slave ship
Trent Sandiefer
The slave-trade cycle that was initiated by ship owners was known as The Atlantic Slave Trade. The Atlantic Slave Trade lasted from the 16th century to the 19th century.
People enslaving other people has been around as long as humans have been around, for thousands of years. Slave trading did not START in the 1440s.
They didn't join, they started the transatlantic slave trade...
European slave traders captured slaves in Africa during the transatlantic slave trade.
african slave trade was a horrible time
the slave trade stoped when Abe was president
The word "transatlantic" says it: it was the trade across the Atlantic ocean from Africa to the Americas.
the Americans
Slave ships during the transatlantic slave trade typically flew the flag of the country that owned the ship, such as Portugal, Spain, England, or the Netherlands.
Slave trade
The Triangular Trade and the Middle Passage.
The transatlantic slave trade.