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A lot of them bought trade items to be taken to Africa, to be used in trade for slaves.

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Q: What role did European traders play in the Transatlantic Slave Trade?
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How did some Africans protest the transatlantic slave trade?

by refusing to do business with slave traders. - Apex

What is the relationship between senegambia region in the slave trades?

Senegambia was a major hub of the transatlantic slave trade. It was an important way station for European traders sending slaves from Guinea to the Americas.

Why Europeans join the transatlantic slave trade?

They didn't join, they started the transatlantic slave trade...

The diary entry of a slave in the transatlantic slave trade?

african slave trade was a horrible time

What are 3 ways in which africans bacame slaves?

African slavery was initially fueled by the demand for labor in European colonies in the Americas. European powers actively engaged in the transatlantic slave trade, capturing Africans from their homelands and transporting them as slaves to work on plantations and in mines. Some African societies participated in the enslavement of rival communities, selling captives to European slave traders. These societies often engaged in warfare and used captured individuals as a form of currency or to strengthen their own labor force. European traders also relied on African intermediaries and African slave traders who captured and sold enslaved Africans to them. These African intermediaries profited from the slave trade and facilitated the capture and transportation of slaves to European slave traders.

Where did the transatlantic slave trade happen?

The word "transatlantic" says it: it was the trade across the Atlantic ocean from Africa to the Americas.

What brought an end to the transatlantic slave trade in Africa?

the slave trade stoped when Abe was president

The European trade in African slaves was initiated in the fifteenth century by the?

Portuguese traders accounted for 95% of the slave trade in the fifteenth century.

Who was the transatlantic slave trade was part of a triangular trade that developed where?

the Americans

What is the involuntary migrations in history was transatlantic?

Slave trade

How did Europeans usually acquire captives for the slave trade?

European slavers did not capture the Africans they transported themselves, but bought them from native slave traders.

What is another name for the Transatlantic Slave Trade?

The Triangular Trade and the Middle Passage.