Crosman does.
see the link below for the parts list and how to contact Crosman.
You can still order 1077 parts from Crosman in New York. See the parts and owners manuals link below. Then contact Crosman Customer service and order your parts.
The Crosman 622 has been out of production since 1978. Crosman no longer even supports the air rifle. I know of no store that sells them anymore. Therefor if you find one for sale you will have to decide if you want to pay what the seller is asking. Beware this model has a high failure history.
The Crosman Phantom is still in production and sells for $90
Crosman sells parts for the 1377. contact Crosman customer service. see the link below.
The Crosman 622 has been out of production since 1978. Crosman no longer even supports the air rifle. I know of no store that sells them anymore. Therefor if you find one for sale you will have to decide if you want to pay what the seller is asking. Beware this model has a high failure history.
Crosman no longer makes the Model 622. It was in production from 1971 to 78. I don't believe you can find one in a store anymore. If you are looking for a current value of one of these rifles. Then I suggest that you state the condition of the rifle. Let us know if it is still working? Is it in excellent, very good, good, fair or poor shape . With that information it would be easier to give you an estimate of value.The Crosman 622 has been out of production since 1978. Crosman no longer even supports the air rifle. I know of no store that sells them anymore. Therefor if you find one for sale you will have to decide if you want to pay what the seller is asking. Beware this model has a high failure history.
It depends on condition; a parts gun sells for $25 and an excellent condition rifle with 95% original finish will bring $150.
looking for serial # on jc higgins model 10313 22 cal rifle. can't locate one.
See the list below of dealers for Crosman, Benjamin and Sheridan. (All owned by Crosman) These are dealers not repair shops. However the following web service sells and repairs airguns. Pyramyd Airguns (See the links below)
I would check with numrich gun parts corp.first.they can be found on the web.
About $200-$275, depending on condition. There is a Deluxe grade with fancy wood that sells for a bit more.