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They own themselves

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Q: Who owns ruger firearms?
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Related questions

What is the stock symbol for ruger firearms?


Are Ruger rifles made in the US?

Unless I have missed something, All Ruger firearms are made in the USA. Other makers brand forign made guns. But none of Ruger firearms are forign made.

What is the ticker symbol for ruger firearms?

The NYSE stock symbol for Sturm, Ruger, and Co. is RGR.

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Am the owner of a Ruger 9 millimeter. Have lost my manual.Where may you purchase a manual for a ruger pistol?

The owners manuals for many of the Ruger firearms are available for free download at

Why does hank Williams jr use the ruger symbol?

Because Hank likes Ruger brand firearms.

Where were Ruger firearms first manufactured?

They are made in CT and AZ

Where is ruger firearms made?

Prescott AZ and Newport NH

What is the estimated worth of a ruger 38 cal long barrel 7 shot made around 1934?

Ruger did not make firearms in 1934

What is the year of manufacture of ruger mini-14 sserial 180-59568?

Ruger's web site has sn data for all it's firearms.

Does ruger have a custom rifle shop?

From the Ruger website- FAQs- Does Ruger offer custom gunsmithing services? No. Although Ruger offers factory service on firearms that we manufacture, we do not offer any custom gunsmithing services. We do offer custom engraving through the Ruger Studio

What type of stainless steel does ruger firearms use in it's guns?

Different steels for different firearms. Contact Ruger Customer Service through their website. Some of this may be privileged trade secret info, and may not be released.