Unless I have missed something, All Ruger firearms are made in the USA.
Other makers brand forign made guns. But none of Ruger firearms are forign made.
Southport Connecticut
CHINA. It says so on the box.
Ruger, Winchester, Henry, Savage, to name a few.
KMart contracted with various makers. Ruger is one.
You are aware that Ruger has made .22 caliber rifles, pistols and revolvers? You have to give information to get information.
In the USA
No, despite the similarity to the name Luger (who was an American, by the way) RUGERS are named for the American Bill Ruger, who founded the company. Rugers are made in the US.
You will have to find the ATF data for that year. Ruger will not tell you.
Of all the Ruger pellet air rifles, only one model comes in .22 caliber. The Ruger" Air Magnum" comes in both .177 and .22. It is made in China and is sold in this country through Pyramyd Air (see the link below.)
Yes, they are.
Go to the Ruger website, under customer service, historical data, rifles, select your model, find serial number, and it will show year of manufacture.
The Model 77