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Marlin is about same as model 81

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Q: Who manufactured the Ranger model 103-13 22 cal rifle?
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How old is a J C Higgins-model 10313-22 cal rifle?

how old is a jc Higgins model 10313 22cal an how much is it worth

what year was the Winchester ranger with the serial number 5587926 manufactured?

Your serial number indicates that your Winchester model 94 ranger rifle was made in the year 1990.

What is ballpark estimate on Ranger Model 36 bolt action rifle mfg dates?

The Ranger 36 cross-references to a Marlin 80 with an adjustable trigger. This model was manufactured from 1935 to 1939.

Who manufactured the ranger 103-2 rifle?


What is the age of a Ranger 36 22 S L LR Sears Roebuck Co?

The model 36 .22 caliber rifle was manufactured by Marlin. It was the same rifle as the extremely popular Model 80 by Marlin.

Sears and Robuck - J C Higgins Model 10313 - 22cal Am unable to find serial nunber. Approx. where would it be Who sells parts for this?

looking for serial # on jc higgins model 10313 22 cal rifle. can't locate one.

Who Manufactured the JC Higgins Model 31 rifle?

The JC Higgins Model 31 rifle was manufactured for Sears and Roebuck by Hi Standard.

Who made the Ranger 22 rifle?

Ranger was a Sears Roebuck trademark. The guns were manufactured by several makers. If you have a model number, it may be in a cross-reference list. See

Who manufactured the rifle marked Ranger 101.11?

My best estimate would be Stevens.

Who manufactured a rifle marked only with Ranger 22 Long Rifle?

Ranger 22 were made by serval different companies Stevens , marlin, Winchester,savage just to name a few. How ever there should be a model # on it . Check out Hoosier Gun Works Online Catalog .I too have a .22 target rifle marked on ranger.22 long rifle cannot find any other writing or numbers.I too also have the ranger 22LR. looking for the proper scope base model or size to fit the large barrel size barrel very large most commenly called target barrelThis is likely a Savage/Stevens Model 416 sold through Sears as explained above. This model just said RANGER-.22 LONG RIFLE with no model number.

What year was the Winchester Ranger 30-30 rifle model no 6024857 made?

With the serial number provided,your Winchester model 1894 ranger rifle was made in the year 1992.

Who manufactured the sears model 53 30-06 cal bolt action rifle?

The Model 53 30-06 rifle was manufactured for Sears by Winchester. It's a cheaper version of their Model 70.