Many (not all, but many) were made by Savage. Value is as a shooter, not a collectable. Depending on condition, $50-$150.
Not Crescent- Savage made them for Gambles Store under their Pioneer trade name. Have a couple of them. Basic, but nice little rifles.
No published production data; 10-125 USD or so
Depending on condition, between $50-125. These were known as Hardware Guns- a number of gun makers would make guns marked with the name of your company, for you to sell to your customers. Examples include Sears, Montgomery Ward, Shapleigh Harware, Gambles, and Western Auto stores. I believe your Gambles Store Pioneer was actually made by Savage Arms.
Pioneer Gambles Store Model 27A .22 caliber rifflePioneer was the brand name used by Gambles Store for the rifles made for them by Savage/ Springfield/ Stevens. These are known as "Hardware" guns, from the period when many hardware stores, Western Auto, etc sold guns. The Model 27A may be the Savage/Stevens Model 87 (before 1948, model 087). There is no major collectors interest in them, but they are good utility grade hunting rifles. The extremely slender stock and wrist make them very nice first rifles for young people. They have been out of production for some time now, limited parts may be available from, value $50-75, depending on condition. I have 2 of the Gambles Store rifles- the grandkids love them.
These were made for Gambles Store by Savage /Stevens. Depending on condition, value may range from $50-75. Nice first rifle for a young shooter- have two of them, grandkids love them.
Savage made all the Gambles Store rifles I have seen.
These were made for Gamble's Stores by Savage, and are caliber .22 LR.
Known as "Hardware Store" guns, Savage/Springfield/Stevens made rifles marketed under the Gambles Store Pioneer label. Yours MAY be a Springfield model 86. I happen to have one marked Springfield, and one marked Pioneer Gambles Store, and they appear to be identical. As shooters, they are worth $50-100. Nice little rifles.
Model 765 was in production from 1948 - '52.
All of Gambles shotguns were made by Savage arms Company with the exception being the model GU-12-5517A which was made by J.C.Higgins.
All 3, but you may find that only the long rifle will cycle through the magazine. These were made for Gambles Stores by Savage.
These were made in .22 long rifle caliber. Value always depends on condition. $50 for shootable to $200 new