All of Gambles shotguns were made by Savage arms Company with the exception being the model GU-12-5517A which was made by J.C.Higgins.
What is the value of a 12 gauge double barrel shotgun made in 1970?
I believe that the Plymouth side by sides were made by Cresent Firearms.
im trying to determiane the value of a 12 gauge double barrel shotgun made in spain . there is no name on the gun thank you. jerry
I have a 12 gauge shotgun with the numbers 4041 on it. It has a double barrel and double trigger and hammerless. Could someone tell me what year it was made?
1880s to 1940s
Yes in 1860 Stevens made a double barrel, all steel barrel and its has external hammers.
You will have to contact the importer
100-10000 USD depending on who made it and when.
Mine says made in Hungary on it.....
What make? SKB?