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H&R- Better known as Harrington & Richardson, a very prolific American firearms manufacturer.

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Q: Who made model 732 H R inc gardner mass USA?
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Related questions

What year was the hr gardner mass model 732 made?

Need the serial number.

What year was the h and r inc. usa model number 732 made?

The first model 732 guardsman was made from 1959-1973.the second model was made from 1974-1986.

What year was model 732 made ser?

No serial number provided.

What is the value of a H and R Gardner 732?

Seldom excees 100 USD

Who made the western field 30-30 rifle?

Your westernfield model 732 rifle was made by mossberg as the mossberg model 810AH,for montgomery wards(westernfield).

Who made the western field M732 30-06 rifle?

Your westernfield model 732 rifle was made by mossberg as the mossberg model 810AH,for montgomery wards(westernfield).

What is the value of a Western Field 30-06 model 732?

your western field model 732,is actually a mossberg model 810AH which was made by mossberg for mongomery wards(western field).The mossberg model 810 is valued at between 150-250 dollars,for a gun with between 60%-90% original finish and a good bore.

What is the price of western field 30-06 model 732?

Your Western field model 732 was made by the mossberg firearms company.The mossberg model 810AH is the same firearm.These rifles are currently valued at between 150-250 dollars for a gun with between 60%-90% of its original finish remaining and a good bore.

Wesson model 732?

Blue Book of Gun Values

Who made the Western Field rifle Model M 732 30-06 caliber and in what year?

Mossberg, and it is a version of their excellent 810AH rifle which was made from 1973 to 1977.

How do you dissassemble a model 732 pistol from H and R?

Best left to a gunsmith

What is 732 1?

732 + 1 = 733 732 - 1 = 731 732 x 1 = 732 732 ÷ 1 = 732