Model number 732 does not exist.
Depending on the condition, box, manual, accessories, etc. 75-1000 USD
The first model 732 guardsman was made from 1959-1973.the second model was made from 1974-1986.
There is no Model 732 in the S&W line that I am aware of.This is correct since the 732 is a Harrington & Richardson (H&R) revolver. The confusion probably comes from this model's chambering for the .32 S&W round which isn't branding but just a designation of what cartridge it uses. "AL" serial probably means early 70's and the value depends alot on the condition, but probably not much more than 200-300 bucks for great condition.
No serial number provided.
Best left to a gunsmith
732 + 1 = 733 732 - 1 = 731 732 x 1 = 732 732 ÷ 1 = 732
Need the serial number.
your western field model 732,is actually a mossberg model 810AH which was made by mossberg for mongomery wards(western field).The mossberg model 810 is valued at between 150-250 dollars,for a gun with between 60%-90% original finish and a good bore.
Impossible to answer without a serial number.
Your Western field model 732 was made by the mossberg firearms company.The mossberg model 810AH is the same firearm.These rifles are currently valued at between 150-250 dollars for a gun with between 60%-90% of its original finish remaining and a good bore.