he's just a friend but treat him like family it will make him feel much better
If you're asking what relation he is, like second cousin once removed or something, I don't think there is a name for your cousin'd boyfriend.
Well if your father and your mom's boyfriend are third cousins then you and your mom's boyfriend are third cousins once removed.
when you like your cousins boyfriend wait till they break up and after three months date him and if they get married cheat J K
My Boyfriend and my cuusin
yea i guess if you really like them i have a crush on my cousin so its not really a problem so yea cousins can be boyfriend and girlfriend :D
No they are deffo not as dappy has a girlfriend and they are cousins
You can't help who you have a crush on but it would be wrong acting on it.
No, they are cousins, her boyfriend is Tyson Kidd.
Talk with your family about it. Usually, it doesn't matter if you're past 3rd cousins because the relativity is very small.
If his great grandmother and your grandmother are firstcousins, the you and he are third cousins, once removed.
No. Mario & Princess Peach are boyfriend and girlfriend despite what people say about Princess Peach. :-)
He cheated on her with her sisters best friends sisters cousins daughter in-law