second cousin
Your second cousins.
Your grandmother is first cousins with cousin. Your parent would be the second cousin of the cousin's son. That would make you second cousins once removed.
Your second cousin's siblings are also your second cousins. The children of your second cousins are your second cousins, once removed.
Your grandmother is first cousins with cousin. Your parent would be the second cousin of the cousin's son. That would make you second cousins once removed.
Your children and your first cousin's children are second cousins. Your children and your second cousin's children are third cousins. And so forth.
I think they are you cousins once removed
Cousin once removed.
First cousin once removed.
You and your first cousin's grandson are first cousins, twice removed, to each other.
Your cousin' spouse becomes your cousin by marriage (cousin-in-law). The reason for this is that they have the same relationship to you.
Your cousin's sister is also your cousin. Your first cousin's children and you children are second cousins. Your second cousin's children and your children are third cousins. And so forth.