

Best Answer

geotrge turner because he is godlike

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Q: Who is the real steal?
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Can Minecraft steal your money?

real money no it can not be that i know of

Did Rumus Black steal the real Horcrux?

No, Regulus Black did.

Does steal have a short e sound?

Yes, the word "steal" has a short e sound, as in "eh".

Is G.T.A a felony?

in real life, yes it is to steal a car or something

Does steal have a short or long vowel sound?

"Steal" has a long vowel sound, pronounced as [stēl].

What rhymes with meals?

wheel, reveal, real, kneel, seal, deal, peel, feel, and healNeal (name), steal, teal, zeal,steal and real!appealdeal , real, feel, seal, steel, Neil, mealSome words that rhyme with meal are"dealfeelheal/heelkneelpeelrealsealtealvealwheelzeal

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Yes, pirates do search for treasures in real life. They also steal treasure for others.

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