The robot names are Ambush, Black Thunder, Noisy Boy, Midas, Metro, Twin Cities, and Zeus
Otis Walton
The movie exists, so it is real. But the events in the movie came purely out of the writers creative little brains. So, no, it is not real.
The Movie Hoot was based on a novel by Carl Hiaasen and is not based on real events.
Night of the Twisters is an actual movie, but the events depicted in the movie are not real, and are quite inaccurate.
well, yes and no, yes because although it was a long fight Atom came out the better man and took Zeus to punch town, the only reason Zeus won was by perfformance and beat Atom by one point, be after the fight everybody still calls Atom the people's champion
real steal
The price for Zeus in the Real Steel app is $4.99, while the price for Atom is $0.99. These prices may vary depending on your location and any ongoing promotions or discounts.
When Max tells Atom "your secret is safe with me" in Real Steel, he is reassuring Atom that he will not reveal any information that Atom confides in him. Max is promising to protect Atom's privacy and trust.
No, far from it. Howard the duck in mandarin is a better movie than this.
In Greek mythology, Zeus was commonly referred to as Zeus, which was his real name.
Zeus is his real name in Greek. In Roman however, he is called Jupiter. Zeus's real name is fred
In the movie "Real Steel," Atom's secret was that he was a highly advanced sparring robot, designed to mimic a human-like fighting style using advanced artificial intelligence. This secret was revealed during his fight against Zeus, the reigning champion robot.
It is rated PG-13 for some violence, intense action and brief language.
No, Jesus was a real person. Zeus is from an ancient Roman myth. He is not real.
Zeus is the name by which the ruler of the Olympian gods in Greek mythology is commonly known. His Roman counterpart is Jupiter.
The robot names are Ambush, Black Thunder, Noisy Boy, Midas, Metro, Twin Cities, and Zeus