Joss Stone, Vincent Gallo, Louise Lasser, Joel Grey, Ethel Kennedy, Meshasch Taylor and Oleg Cassini
I'm not sure what you mean by April 11, but if you mean 11th of April: Bernard O Dowd (Australian Poet), Will Minson (Aussie Rules Footballer), Billy Bowden-New Zealand-(Cricket Umpire), There are plenty of Brittish and American people born on 11th April aswell.
Rey Mysterio Birthday is On 11th December (Slytherin)
there are lots of famous people with their birthday on September 24th
Fionas birthday is 25th April 1964
daisy's birthday is the 5 of April
its on a famous girl [secret] birthday
his birthday is on the 11th of April 1994No His Actual Birthday Is On The 11th March 1994 ;]
April, 11th
Jeremy clarksons birthday is the 11th April 1960
Michelle Phan's birthday is on April 11th, 1987.
April 11th
It is your 26th birthday today (11th April 2010).
no the closest person to your birthday are fred and george weasley born 1st april!
I think that its April 11th.. but dont quote me!
February 11th. His birthday is at February 11th.
A boy born on April 11th has a mom called Kathy and a Dad called Sam who have 5 children here is a list of their b-days: January 1rst February 2nd March 3rd and April 4th. What is the birthday of the 5th Child??? The answer would be April 11th. its the boy that was the 5th child
Justin bieber