it gets the girl more wet an she gets in the mood to have sex. it feels good as well as get the boy hard
Well, honey, when a girl gets wet, it's not like a fresh batch of chocolate chip cookies just came out of the oven. Let's just say it's a unique scent that varies from person to person, and it's all part of the magic of the human body. Just remember, everyone's natural scent is nothing to be ashamed of - it's just biology doing its thing.
It depends on girl to girl but 99% of the girls wont be wet if a guy will just kiss 'em
It depends on the person, but usually the foot. If you are jumping into a swimming pool usually the head gets wet first. both of you are wrong.. the first part of your body that gets wet is the part that is dry.
wet bread
it makes your penis smaller for a boy and your vagina wet for a girl.
He's not gonna kiss. Cause if he does, that's sad for the girl. UNLESS... the boy has something good that is wet. I chap stick or something...
Yeah one is tight and wet and one is a dudes
Let it dry first.
Well I'm a girl but my boy friend said it's warm and wet
is a percocet still good if it gets wet