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Let it dry first.

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Q: If marijuana gets wet can you still smoke it?
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yes why would you think that is okay it can kill your baby why would you smoke weed why would you put that in with it

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It's a 50/50 chance.

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Depends on the specific med. You can always call the # on the bottle.

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No, wet towels are not effective at absorbing smoke.

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If the pokewalker gets wet I will try and take the battery out and dry it as much as i can, I am not that positive it will still work but hopefully it will.

What happens to marijauna when its put threw the washer?

Putting marijuana through the washer can cause it to become wet and potentially ruined. The heat and friction from the washing machine can break down the plant material and reduce its potency. It is not recommended to wash marijuana as it can lead to wastage and loss of product.

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it molds after a certain amount of time. if it doesnt mold but still gets can break down molecularly in the rock under the paper and become chalk.

Does the drug wet have a smell when smoked?

Good luck smoking wet marijuana.