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Jack Skellington.

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Q: Who found the portal between the two towns in the nightmare before Christmas?
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What portal did jack open by accident in nightmare before christmas?

He opened the portal to "Christmastown".

What game came before portal 2?


Was there a portal game before portal still alive?

Ok Portal still alive is bonus levels and there is a game called portal 2 already

What is the difference between Portal and Portal Still Alive?

Portal is the original game in the series. Portal: Still Alive is just extra levels added to the game.

Is there any differenc between Portal in the standalone release and Portal in Orange Box?

Yes. Portal alone is half of the orange box in the prices

How do you get past the portal in the Christmas quest on RuneScape? Go there and search it, its a very helpful site.

What is the differens between a door case and a door portal?

The case is the wood that surrounds the opening, the portal is the actual opening.

How do you build an end portal in minecraft?

There is no way to build an end portal except on creative mode, instead you must find a stronghold which contains a portal using eyes of ender. The portal must be activated with 12 eyes of ender before you can travel to the end.

Blood vessel that lies between the intestines and liver?

portal vein

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The Hepatic Portal Vein

How do you get to cowland in diablo2?

you have to combine a wirts leg and a tomb of town portal to make the secret cow level bro but u also have to beat the difficluty level like hell nightmare normal

How do you unlock portals on Maldark conqueror of all worlds?

you have to find the portal on the floor some are found on a mission and to get a portal to a new area you have to defeat the bosses on the area before it