Mr blobby discovered cigarettes when he bent over and one shot out of his bum.
it was wrapped up in Cut-Eye-Higgins (judge) cigarettes
a boy
Yes, If you smoked 5 cigarettes chances are high that you will get addicted to the cigarettes.
The smoothness of cigarettes varies a great deal as far as taste goes, and e-cigarettes are not all the same, but generally e-cigarettes that I have smoked seem to be smoother than cigarettes.
No. tobacco is in cigarettes.
No nutrients at all in cigarettes.
The drug that is in cigarettes is nicotine.
There are no fat in cigarettes...??
Cigarettes are not gluten free. A gluten substance is added to cigarettes for flavor.
The dangers of e-cigarettes are actively being done, but there are a lot of areas that have yet to be fully discovered, thus it is incredibly hard to give any information that is scientifically proven with needed medical testing. But the two things that are obvious are that they don't cause premature ageing as bad as cigarettes do. If you don't prefer e-cigarettes, you can always use other products like nicotine gum.