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Large southern cotton and tobacco plantations were considered to be the hardest for a slave to work. These plantations were tough to farm and required work at all hours of the day and night.

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Q: Which type of plantation was the hardest to work on for a slave?
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Was slavery the same for everyone or did it vary according to area or plantation?

Slavery varied greatly from place to place and plantation to plantation. The amount of rights and freedoms a slave had depended on their master, as well as the severity of their punishments and general treatment. Also, the type of work they were expected to do varied depending on the type of plantation.

Who forced the slaves to work?

Slave traders and plantation owners.

What kind of plantation would i work on if i were a slave in Georgia?


What is a slave plantation?

a slave plantation is a place where the slaves used to work. many of these were sugar and cotton fields, in which the slaves would pick the sugar canes and cotton from the plant to later be processed.

What was plantation life?

It depends what your position was. As an owner it was a pleasant enough life. As a slave it was unrelenting work

Why did Europeans want slave?

because they were to lasy to do it them self ;also, because they wanted them to work there sugar plantation and it was cheaper with slave labor

How does the slave auction work?

just the same way any other auction does i think.. the person who can pay the most amount of money for the slave can take the slave home

What year were slaves brought to Virginia?

The first slave in Virginia was brought in the year 1619. The main jobs of slaves were to work in mines , grow crops and to work in tobacco plantation.

What do slave owners and plantation owners do in their daily life?

They just probably scald the slaves to work faster or maybe even just relax at their house

Who was the early explorer that set up a plantation that relied on slave labor to extract gold?

The early explorer who set up a plantation relying on slave labor to extract gold was Christopher Columbus. He established the first Spanish colony in the Americas on the island of Hispaniola (now Haiti and the Dominican Republic) and implemented a system where indigenous people were forced to work in mines to extract gold.