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The free blacks during the slavery were called indentured slaves. They were the ones that were owned by the plantation owners, but they were also paid for the work that they had done on the plantation. When they served their time as a slave which was usually up to not exceeding three years they were freed and told that they could leave. Some of them stayed on and some left the plantations.

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Q: The Life of Free blacks during slavery?
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What was life for free blacks during slavery?

Life for free blacks during slavery was challenging and unjust. They faced discrimination, segregation, limited rights, and constant threats to their safety. Free blacks often lived in fear of being captured and enslaved, and had to navigate systemic racism in their daily lives.

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Lincoln was opposed to slavery and he wanted free blacks to form colonies elsewhere instead of staying in the United States.

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In some places yes. The Northern states allowed blacks a free life. In the South it was considered "illegal" for blacks to learn or write.

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John Locke believed that slavery violated the natural rights of individuals to life, liberty, and property. He argued that all individuals are born equal and free, and that no one has the right to enslave another person. Locke's views on slavery contributed to the later abolitionist movement.

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So they don't talk or spell like this: Becuas they proceeded in life now that tehy were free of slavery Becuas they proceeded in life now that tehy were free of slavery

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