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Positions have had some success in helping make a boy (or a girl), but no effect at all on chances of pregnancy.

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Q: Which position are you less likely to get pregnant?
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Nope. You can still get pregnant. It is less likely, but can happen.

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It is possible but less likely. This is within the period of time during the egg cycle used by those employing the "rhythm method" to avoid conception; popular with Catholics for whom other means of contraception are forbidden. During menstruation (and a couple of days thereafter) is the least likely period to fertilize the egg as one is not usually present in the womb at this time.It is not impossible to become pregnant during this time, just less likely as the unfertilised egg will not be in a prime position for fertilisation.

What if you do get pregnant a day after your period?

It's less likely than at other times, but it can happen, and the baby can be carried to term.