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Do not avoid exercise when dieting, as exercise is beneficial to your dieting plans by helping you lose weight. Do not overexert yourself, however, as that is detrimental to your health.

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Q: Which exercise should I avoid when dieting?
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If I need to lose weight, should I begin by dieting or exercising?

A proper weight loss program should include both dieting and exercise. To lose weight effectively you need to both reduce your calorie intake as well as burn more calories. If for some medical reason you are unable to exercise, then begin by dieting.

Why should you exercise for your flabby stomach?

You should exercise to lose weight. Also, you will look better and be in better shape. Doing sit-ups helps to to exercise your stomach. Also, try dieting.

What does it mean when you plateau when dieting?

It means that you reach a point where you no longer continue losing weight. This usually happens when you don't vary your calorie intake or exercise regime enough. To avoid a plateau when dieting you should vary your calories by 100-200 calories each day. You should also vary your exercise regime, i.e 20 minutes one day, 40 minutes the next or Cardio one day and Pilates the next.

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How to lose kilos easily?

by doing exercise and dieting.

Is dieting the best way to lose weight?

I think that exercise is the best and dieting is second best. If you do both (diet and exercise) that would be most beneficial in your weight loss plan.

What type of exercise program should be incorporated with the six week diet?

Exercise is important for any diet program. Cardio is the most important type of exercise. Running, jogging or walking is a good cardio exercise to go along with dieting.

Does exercise or dieting more effectively produce a flatter stomach?

Dieting by itself will not produce a flatter stomach in the sense that most people take that. You can lose weight through dieting, but to get a flatter stomach you need to also exercise your abdominal muscle groups.

How can you get a smaller waisteline?

Exercise and proper dieting, eventually its genetic.

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Should Pregnant women should avoid exercise in a supine position until after their first trimester?

false. pregnant women should avoid exercise in the supine position after the first trimester. not until after the first trimester.

How can you flatten your stomach without exercise and dieting?

That's kind of impossible...