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Fewer than one in four teens smoke.

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Q: Which evidence indicates that most teens say no to smoking?
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Young teens are most likely to start smoking in order to?

To gain peer approval .

Can smoking marijuana affect puberty?

There is no evidence to support that. So, the most appropriate answer would be, most likely not.

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When asked about their opinion on smoking do most teens rather date people who do not smoke?

No but it depends on If the teen themself smokes also

Why do so many teens use marijuana?

Because smoking marijuana is the most fun activity a person of any age can enjoy.

When asked about their opinions on smoking, most teens would rather date people who do not smoke?

No but it depends on If the teen themself smokes also

How reducing cigarette advertisements help teens stop smoking?

It doesn't. Teens who grow up with parents/siblings/friends who smoke will have a greater chance of at least experimenting with smoking. Cigarette ads never influenced me to try smoking. Antismokers would argue Joe Camel influenced teens to look into smoking. But I disagree with that too. I'm not gonna try Camels just because I saw a cartoon character in Camel ads during the 90s. The high prices might be a bigger influence on teens who wanna stop smoking. Although it's illegal for them to buy cigs under 18 in most states anyway. Cigarette ads are a thing of the past based on 2012.

What type of addictions do teens suffer from?

There are a range of addictions that teenagers may suffer from. The most common are smoking and drinking addictions and eating disorders which turn into addictions.

Is cocaine the most used illegal drug by teens?

no, tbh (to be honest) marijuana specifically high grade, pills ad liquor are the drug of choice for all teens. nd to tell if your child is smoking. don't buy them any type of eye drops. its the Johnny Cochran's of the murder trials. the eye drops are the best cover up if your child has been smoking.

Do teens or adults use alcohol the most?


Why do some people never smoke?

Smoking is an unnatural act. It provides no useful resources to the body. Many people see no need to smoke. Most parents drill it into their children that smoking is bad, etc. Also, the peer pressure for smoking and drinking has gone down, although many teens still do it. The better question is "Why do some people smoke?"

Do most teens watch anime?

Yes, most of them do. Anime if popular among children and teens.