The most popular beer choice among boilermakers is typically a light lager or a pale ale.
Lager, ale, mild ale, bitter, stout, Irish stout, imperial stout, oatmeal stout, milk stout, porter, whiskey porter, barley wine, pilsener, bock, duppel bock, trippel bock, pale ale, India pale ale, weissbier, heffeweissen, Krystalweissen, lambic, kriek, schwarzbier, Vienna lager, trappist ale, steam beer, rauchbier.
Heineken is primarily known for its pale lager drinks as they are the most popular. However, they do make a large variety of beer, especially in their European breweries, that cater to the regional tastes.
Pilsner is a variety of lager. Other varieties include bock, dunkel, and Oktoberfest/Maerzen. Lagers are made using bottom fermenting yeast at relatively cool temperatures over relatively long periods of time, while ales are made using top fermenting yeast at warmer temperatures over less time. For a good and entertaining little history of pilsner, see http: //
Some popular German dark beers include Schwarzbier, Dunkel, and Bock. You can find them at most liquor stores, specialty beer shops, and some German restaurants or bars.
I think Bud Lite Lime is sort of like a cheaper version of Corona Lite.
3.2 beer contains no more than 3.2% alcohol by volume. "Regular" beer comes in a wide range of potencies, from less than 5% alcohol to more than 20%. The most popular brand of mass-produced lager in the U.S., Budweiser, is 5% alcohol by volume.
This is the most widely recognized. Bock beer was originally brewed by Catholic monks in Germany and consumed during holiday fasts.
Lonestar Beer, of course! Although some Texans will strongly disagree as they chug their Shiner Bock!
I am a home builer in texas. The two most popular home addtions are lager kitchens, and dens.