Pilsner is a variety of lager. Other varieties include bock, dunkel, and Oktoberfest/Maerzen.
Lagers are made using bottom fermenting yeast at relatively cool temperatures over relatively long periods of time, while ales are made using top fermenting yeast at warmer temperatures over less time.
For a good and entertaining little history of pilsner, see http:
Lager beers use lager yeast and ferment slower at low temperatures. Most all of the large, industrial beers use this Germanic-style of brewing. Stout beers use longer roasted (dark) malts and ferment at warmer temperatures using ale yeast. Ales are more prominate in the English/Irish styles of brewing.
Draught beer isn't a particular type of beer. It's any beer that is served from the keg instead of in a bottle or can. Draft beer is exactly as it comes from the finishing vats, and that means it is unpasteurized. It is felt by almost all beer drinkers that unpasteurized beer has the freshest, most natural taste, but being unpasteurized, it must be kept cold (40 degrees or lower), or the still-live yeast in the beer will continue to multiply, ruining the beer. Bottled and canned beer is pasteurized, eliminating that problem, but at the cost of somewhat altered taste. Stout is a dark, strong flavored beer. Stout can be purchased at most bars as a draught beer. So can lager, bitter, porter, ale, bock, dunkel, pilsner, cream or any other type of beer. And all of them can be bottled or canned, too, after pasteurization. Draught is a way of dispensing beer. Stout is a type of beer. That's the difference.
Pilsner is a style of Lager.
Corona is a lager.
a Pilsner is actually a type of Lager. Lager is a generic category that includes beers that are brewed with bottom fermenting yeast that ferments at cooler temperatures. Pilsner is a type of Lager that is yellow/golden in color with a white frothy head, generally lighter in body, and has a crisp/dry finish. Pilsners usually come in around 4-5% ABV
Pilsner is known as a pale lager and was first produced in the Czech Republic in 1842. The original Pilsner Urquell beer is still produced there to this day.
The term pilsner is not an acronym. A pilsner is a light, golden lager with a strong hoppy character. The style originated in the city of Pilsen, Czech Republic.
He is Uganda's pilsner lager spinmaster.
No. They are usually CLEARLY marked "Pilsener", they are also usually German beers. Budweiser is considered a Pilsener beer. Bud Lite is just a watered down version.
IPA and lager are two different types of beer. IPA stands for India Pale Ale and is known for its strong hoppy flavor and higher alcohol content. Lager, on the other hand, is a type of beer that is fermented and conditioned at low temperatures, resulting in a cleaner and crisper taste. In summary, the main difference between IPA and lager lies in their flavor profiles and brewing processes.
There are a few very strong beers that have alcohol content in the low 20% range. They are very expensive and very difficult to make. Sam Adam's Triple Bock runs 17%.
All lagers are beers, but not all beers are lagers. In other words, lager is a type of beer. The other general category of beer is ale.A better question would have been, "What's the difference between ale and lager?" And come to think of it, that question has been asked here. See the related question.
Holsten lager is low in sugar, as it is a traditional German pilsner style beer that typically contains minimal sugar content. It is known for its crisp and refreshing taste with a balanced sweetness from the malt used in the brewing process.