You may have to send it out, there are several shops that make a living repairing and tuning air guns. Do a search for air gun repair on the web or see the link below.
Consider a shoe repair shop.
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The most trustworthy Apple iPod repair shop in Texas will depend on one's location in Texas. However, some of the highest rated Apple iPod repair stores in Texas, according to Yelp, are in Austin and Houston. These are the All Wireless Repair store in Austin and the iProduct Cure store in Houston.
You can try contacting daisy customer service directly OR go online and do a search for "Airgun repair" or "Daisy Airgun repair" and locate someone that can fix it for you. See the link below
Do a web search for "Airgun repair' there are several places that repair airguns.
Then you need to get it repaired. I suggest you search the web for "Airgun repair" and have someone near you repair it.
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Houston, Texas. Why didn't you just google it?