I would search the web for "Air gun Repair" and locate a shop near you that can repair it or see the link below for shops that repair air guns.
No It is not a repeater , you must re cock and and hand load a pellet after each shot!
The 1790 Biathlon Trainer is rated at 450 FPS
cock riffle by braking the barrel and then just push the pellet into the open, back end, of the barrel... close and shoot... they give you a spacer tool so the seal is not nicked as you close the barrel but I've never used it... I just make sure the pellet is clear of the breach with the tip of my finger... I've used this rifle for many years and love it... I lost the back sight from the rifle once and Marksman replaced it at NO COST... super business that I highly recommend!!!
Your best bet would be to contact Marksman directly. BTW Beeman airguns owns Marksman. See the link below
I would start with Beeman air gun co. They own the Marksman line of air guns (See the link below) or go online and look up "air gun repair" and locate someone near you to repair the rifle. Or see the link #2 below.
This rifle is a break barrel design an shoot one pellet at a time and has to be reloaded after each shot.
Beeman airgun co owns Marksman. you can try this addresses. Contact them for help. Beeman Precision Airguns 10652 Bloomfield Ave Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 562-968-5891 or 800/227-2744 FAX 562-968-5823
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1790/7 = 255.714285
$1790 is £1475.10
1790 + 1959 = 3749