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On the receiver

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Q: Where is the serial number found on A5 Browning?
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How old is a Browning A5 with the serial?

No serial number = no way to answer

What year was your browning a5 serial?

No serial number provided.

Browning rifle serial number B42956 Is it and A5?

A5 refers to a shotgun.

How Old is a Browning 12g A5 with a serial?

You did not provide the serial number.

When was Browning A5 Sweet 16 serial?

No serial number provided.

What is the age of a Belgian Browning A5 serial?

Need the serial number to answer.

What is the manufacture date of a Browning FN A5 with a serial number 97174?

fn a5

What year was a browning A5 serial?

Please include your serial number to get a answer to your question.

Where can you find the serial number on your browning a5?

on the bottom of the receiver

What year was serial number 31819 browning A5?


When was your browning a5 manufactured?

You must call Browning with the serial number or visit their website.

When was browning a5 with serial number s10147 made?

Your browning sweet sixteen was made by browning in 1954.