Places to look; barrel, frame, receiver
The K-1211 sereis was produced before High Standard put the serial numbers on their shotguns except for a small number that were esported.
Contact High Standard with the Serial Number and they will tell you when it was manufactured.
Your serial number indicates that your High Standard M-101 was made in the year 1956.
With the serial number that you have provided,your High Standard citation model 102 was made in the year 1958.
Need serial number to answer. All High Standard pistols followed a continuous serial number sequence.
With the serial number that you have provided,your Hi standard Model B was made by Hi Standard in the year 1936.
With the serial number that you have provided,your Hi-Standard R101 was made in the year 1957.
By the serial number.
our Hi-Standard Sport King dates to the year 1974 with the serial number provided.