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By the serial number.

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Q: How do you tell age of dura-matic high standard?
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Jchiggins model 80 age worth?

The JC Higgins Model 80 was actually made by High Standard for Sears, and is the same as the M101 Duramatic pistol. Made from 1957 through 1961/62. These can be bought on the use marked for $200-$250.

High standard serial number 453XXX can you tell the model and age?

Not without a detailed description of the weapon and all markings.

What age is High Standard Sport King?


How do you tell the age of a standard bred by the brand on their neck?

Not all horses have brands, a good way to tell the age of a horse is by the teeth.

How do you tell the age of my high standard sport king?

Statrt by posting a question here with the serial number, and we can give you the age of your pistol. Our crystal ball is not working, so you need to supply some information.

What is the age and value of your high standard 22 double nine revolver?

Average value for a GOOD condition revolver is around $200-$250. We cannot tell the age without the serial number. Sorry.

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What is the age of High Standard Supermatic Citation serial ml28584?

70s or so

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What is the age and value of Western Field shotgun serial number D53481?

Westernfield was a brand name used on guns sold by Montgomery Ward stores- and made by gun makers such as Remington, Mossberg, High Standard, etc. We cannot tell the model from a serial number, and cannot tell the age except in general terms.