The serial number is on the passenger side of the receiver, just rear of the barrel. If there is no serial number your cooey was manufactured before 1968, when no s.n. was required.
By the serial number on the rifle.
Model 75 was made from 1931-1961 by Cooey (Canada) and then bought out by Winchester who made them as Model 750s until 1978. If you have no serial number that is due to the change in the Manufacturing laws. 1968 and after should have serial numbers.
I own a Cooey Model 84, serial number 7690 estimated to be manufactured circa 1950. Cooey began making shotguns in 1948.
Well, a model 39 .22 implies to me that it may be a Cooey or Winchester/Cooey. The only thing is Cooey never put serial numbers on their rifles. Winchester did after they bought Cooey around WW II. So therefore I would say post 1964 for your rifle.
Your question has used the serial number of your Winchester,not the Model number.Please include a description of your Winchester along with the model number,and the serial number to get a answer about your Winchester.
what year was model 4b serial number cao86767 made
I would have to have the model number along with the serial number to correctly date your winchester.
The Winchester model 69A is a pre-serial number firearm and as such does not have one.
Your Winchester model 1894 rifle was made by winchester in 1971,with the serial number you provided.
Model 70 winchester serial number 432523 chambered in 416 rigby
cooey 410 gauge model 840 Winchester Canada. single shot
With the serial number that you provided,your winchester model 1894 was made by winchester in 1954.